
Hands on approach to achieving positive approvals.

Our Products and Services


Appraisal and Risk Assessment

assessments of development potential, planning risks and ways to maximise prospects of success

Applications and appeals for all forms of planning approval

including flexible hybrid and ‘masterplan outline permissions’ or Planning Permission in Principle (Scotland) for complex and large developments. Development Consent Orders and Certificates, Change of Use and Listed Building Consents.

planning obligations and Community Infrastructure levy (CIL)

challenging and negotiation of developer contributions and Section 75 or Section 106 legal agreements.

Planning and Development STRATEGIES

strategic advice on positioning development proposals to optimise the prospects of success.

Development plan representations

seeking to allocate land or influence policy from initial representations to making the case at Examination.

Expert witness

including public inquiries, examinations, hearings, Local Review Bodies, compulsory purchase, tribunals, Court proceedings.

planning due diligence

review and advice in support of acquisition/disposal including advice on risks of judicial review and strategy for mitigating planning risks.

retail and leisure impact assessment and sequential assessment

strategies for promotion of retail and leisure development including addressing national policy tests on impact and sequential assessment.

Community Consultation and Case making

advocacy of development proposals, management of pre-application public consultations and liaison with community councils and groups


Aerial Photography and Videography

Mackay Planning is licensed by the Civil Aviation Authority to use small unmanned aircraft (SUA or drones) for commercial photography and video. This new tool has proven especially useful for site surveys, masterplanning and development promotion.